Uncategorized – robotheartstories.com http://robotheartstories.com Amazing World Of Essays Wed, 12 Oct 2022 06:21:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://robotheartstories.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/581/2020/08/cropped-epic-32x32.png Uncategorized – robotheartstories.com http://robotheartstories.com 32 32 What Admissions Officers Look For in a College Essay http://robotheartstories.com/things-admissions-officers-look-for-in-a-college-essay.html http://robotheartstories.com/things-admissions-officers-look-for-in-a-college-essay.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:24:20 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=62 Writing a college essay can be stressful, mostly if you do not know the right things to include in your paper. If you are not a good writer, you can practice hard and perfect your skills. Most students think that institutions choose them because of their essays alone, but that is not the case. Institutions go for a couple of things; writing essays are just one of them. You have to take it seriously because it is also vital. If you mess and write a shitty paper, there is no way you will get a chance.

Reasons Why College Essay Matters

You only have one chance to impress the admission team, and if you mess it up, it will be up to you. Your essay will say more about you because it will help the team know more about you. They want to know some personal experiences about you and also your creativity level. Students make mistakes that they can avoid. There are tips learners can follow to have a quality paper, but most of them assume.

Some institutions do not require learners to write essays because it is optional. Even if writing an essay is optional in your case, it is good to try. It will help you know more about an applicant’s life. A student’s story is vital because it makes the officers understand their story and how it connects to the institution they want. If you want to better your writing skills, there are things that you have to do and those that are not appropriate.

Tips to Write a Brilliant College Essay

  • Proofreading your statement

When you get done with the writing process, it is essential to take your time and proofread your work. You have to ensure that you have no spelling mistakes because if you make a mistake of submitting your work with silly mistakes, it will be hard for you to get a chance. If you have someone that understands more about college essay, give him/her your work to read.

If you overlook small mistakes, you will get to correct them before you submit your piece. If you want your paper to stand out, ensure that you have no mistakes. If you assume and think your paper is perfect without proofreading, you will be digging your own grave.

  • Engaging the reader

You have to engage the reader right from the start to the end. You can start your work with a perfect hook that will leave the reader wanting more. If your introduction is not impressive, there is no way a reader can continue reading your work.

  • Avoid sending the same essay to each school

Writing an essay consumes a lot of time, and one can get tempted to send the same essay to each school, do not be tempted. Nothing comes easy; you have to struggle for you to get a chance. There is no other shortcut you can use. If you use the same material, you need to be extra careful when it comes to formatting. Do not make the mistake of submitting your work with the name of a different institution. That is the worst mistake you can ever make. There is no way you can get any chance if you make such a huge mistake.

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Consequences for Committing Plagiarism in Essay Writing http://robotheartstories.com/consequences-for-committing-plagiarism-in-essay-writing.html http://robotheartstories.com/consequences-for-committing-plagiarism-in-essay-writing.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:20:36 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=61 There are several consequences for committing plagiarism in your essays. Some of the effects can either be personal, professional, or even ethical.

Many people have been in problem with plagiarism issues because plagiarism testing materials are readily available. People found in the act of committing plagiarism may never lack excuses to give for their misconduct. This article will talk about the consequences of plagiarism.

Destroying student Reputation

Plagiarism allegations are very gracious. In most cases, students have either been suspended or expelled from school due to plagiarism cases. Bad academic records can be a huge barrier for students to fail to enter either a college or secondary class. Indeed, both schools and universities take plagiarism offenses seriously indeed. Nevertheless, several educational institutions have academic committees that research and approve of their students’ integrity. Students receive a suspension warning in their first violation of plagiarism mistakes, but they are suspended from the academic institutions when determining their case.

Destroying academic reputation

The results of plagiarism is a common offense in the world of academics and research. Once a student committing a gracious academic offense ruins their educational qualification.

Nevertheless, publishing a book or even an article is an essential part of academic work; thus, when your institution denies you a chance, this part of academic life, most probably your academic career is almost over. Therefore, with such results, students and professionals alike should abstain from plagiarism at all costs.

Destroying professional achievements

A professional such as a teacher, politician, or even professor may find the results of plagiarism severe as they may follow up with them in the remaining part of their career. They can get job suspension or even receive a directive to step down from their current offices and find it very hard to fit in any job opportunity. Finding a respectable job, unlike before committing the act, will be very difficult. All the same, depending on the offense and the status of the person who has committed it, it will still be impossible to find a suitable career in the end.

Legal repercussions

The legal offenses of plagiarism are very worrying. Copyrights issues are not something to joke with. It is inappropriate for a person to use the other person’s materials without quoting the sources or providing the references. In most scenarios, there are greater chances of getting in court for copyright issues. The most likely people to be susceptible to plagiary are those who write essays for a living, such as journalists and book authors. All the same, they should either make their work or quote sources they have used to provide their work. Writers should be very vigilant about plagiarism issues as they write their jobs more frequently. They know the consequences very well; thus, they should do what it cost to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a severe and ethical issue and should be treated in the best way possible and avoid at all costs.

Monetary repercussions

Several news platforms have reported journalists who go ahead and plagiarize someone’s work. When an author sues a plagiarist, then in most cases, they are granted monetary compensation. Nevertheless, even in schools, when a student commits a plagiarism offense with somebody else’s work, they can be fined hefty penalties by the one whose work has their work authenticity violated.

Plagiarized Research

Plagiarized research is the worst form of plagiarism. When plagiarism has occurred in a medical institution, then many lives can be lost, thus a very great offense. The consequences of plagiarism are quite many, and no single person is immune to plagiarism. Ignorance and carelessness should not the excuses for people to commit the hideous act of plagiarism. Before one can write an essay, it is always good to research the rules and laws that govern plagiarism, thus avoiding committing the mistake.


Always strive to produce original work. Be honest in your essay writing and strictly follow the writing rules to avoid plagiarism issues. Plagiarism is a severe offense that can cost your professionalism and future career growth.

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Essential Elements of Adult Learning: Free Essay Outline http://robotheartstories.com/essential-elements-of-adult-learning-essay-sample.html http://robotheartstories.com/essential-elements-of-adult-learning-essay-sample.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:17:21 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=60 Learning gets primarily based on scientific and psychological principles. While you do not have to become a doctor to have solid training, it is always good to have some of the guiding principles that bolster adult learning. You have to infuse four aspects in your development and exercise if you’re looking for the best results. Here are some of them: 


It is the very first element that you need to grasp when you want to develop your training. If an adult learner fails to have a sense of learning motivation, then they will simply not. There are many ways that you can go about boosting your sense of reason. Here are some examples;

  • Building opportunities for learning that will make way for advancing the skills of the learner. 
  • The extrinsic competition will keep the learners motivated, such as gamification and other social features.
  • Defining how the content will affect the job of the learner immediately and effectively. 

Therefore, it means that adults are motivated to learn if they feel it will benefit them in some way or bring value to their lives. 


Also known as reinforcement, it can get approached either positively or negatively. It is all about giving or offering something that uplifts good behavior. For instance, learning based on development could circulate on the idea for a salary increment in line with the teaching of a given skill. Negative reinforcement, on the other hand, involves taking steps to push out bad behavior. An example will be making employees take on safety training to cut down on the number of mistakes in and around the workplace.

Possession or retention 

As you develop corporate learning, think about how the lanners will receive the information and also if they will retain it or not. Ensure that you come up with the courses that will satisfy the needs of your listeners. Use the best systems that uplift engagement when deploying the methods. Some of the ways you can encourage retention include quizzes, interactivity, and the chance to practice what has gotten taught immediately. You can ask the participants to take examinations in line with the assessment of the work. If you let the learners know that there will be an assessment, it will be a suitable retention method. You can also utilize scenarios and case studies. 

Relaying and transference 

In this step, you’ll ask your employees to practice what they have learned in the outside world. After your participants reached this step, it will let you know if the content was effective or not and show you the interpretation skills of their employees in line with the application. Transference involves the measurement of something against predetermined benchmarks in Lane with the organization’s performance and objectives. 

To improve transference in your environment, ensure that you include social elements while in the process. One of the best ways to ensure this happens is to provide opportunities for the participants to engage and work in teams virtually with their colleagues. While doing so, the employees can go through the information and solve problems related to the information they learn. 

When you incorporate social learning, it will improve their employees’ engagement and help them learn from their mistakes and the mistakes made by others. They also get to gain a long time understanding of how to appropriately and realistically apply the skills they have garnered and the principles they’ve learned.  

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Can Turnitin Detect Essays Bought Online? http://robotheartstories.com/can-turnitin-detect-essays-bought-online.html http://robotheartstories.com/can-turnitin-detect-essays-bought-online.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:37:43 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=55 There is an argument that is going around the internet, does Turnitin detect any essays that are individuals buy on the internet? Turnitin has now become an essential tool when it comes to academic writing. As someone who is a student, every thesis, reports, and essays all go through Turnitin. There are those lecturers who like their students to hand their work to Turnitin directly by themselves. And then there are those teachers who like to go through the work themselves. Whether your work goes through the lecturer first or hands, it indirectly will still go through Turnitin. 

Turnitin does not detect any essays that individuals buy from the internet. Whether original or written from scratch. But Turnitin will detect work with the element of plagiarism if you got them from public archives. Turnitin goes through similar scores. But if your work is from scratch, then Turnitin will not detect it. It will not notice whether your work is from the internet.

It is mesmerizing to find out that many universities focus their attention on plagiarism checks rather than other kinds of checks. With that in mind, students are anxious that plagiarism checkers on the internet will flag whatever work that they do. Those students are anxious that their work will have a problem when they check for plagiarism on the internet.

So the answer that we will give to the argument above will depend on where the student is acquiring the paper. We cannot deny the fact that Turnitin is a system for checking plagiarism. It only checks for plagiarism, not ideas. Turnitin has information on all of the databases that pass through it. So it just checks for work is similar to the academic papers. These databases include online articles, publications, and journals, and they can also check the internet.

It may look unrealistic, but Turnitin is so vast to that extent. For Turnitin to the flag, one of your papers depends on where you are acquiring your paper. If you buy your paper from a website that is already connected to Turnitin, it(Turnitin) will eventually detect your paper. But if you acquire your papers privately, then the chances of the Turnitin detecting your paper are minimal.

Turnitin and paraphrasing

If the student writes properly and paraphrases very well, then Turnitin will not detect any paraphrasing. The system only flags the content that is matching. It mostly follows the word for word detection while comparing it to other documents in the database. Turnitin doesn’t give verdicts that base on plagiarism but rather gives a score that universities interpret.

When Turnitin detects plagiarism, it will just highlight the text that has the element of plagiarism. And also will bring another document from which it will show you where the texts are similar. Most papers that people buy online may show that it is one hundred percent plagiarism, but some parts have the element of plagiarism.

How to cheat Turnitin?

There are few ways by which a student can get away with plagiarism. The first method is a student cites where he gets the information from. And the way is by paraphrasing the statements nicely. For one to dodge the Turnitin from detecting their work, one needs to paraphrase his work. Make sure you pass your work through Turnitin until you see that the plagiarism element is not there.

Make sure that before you submit your paper to Turnitin, ensure that your paper is one percent clean and has no plagiarism present.

Another way that one can cheat Turnitin is by getting ghostwriters. The term for this is contract cheating. Now here, these ghostwriters can write for your work from scratch and can not easily have a problem going through Turnitin.

Turnitin and checking previous work

Turnitin does check for the work of the previous years and current year. It does this because it stored all the data that passes through it. In a virtual sense, Turnitin is most universities. 

Most universities possess licenses for their Turnitin databases. But generally, the program is similar around the globe. Every document that students pass through a certain database ends up in one place. It means that Turnitin will flag documents a student submits to another university and alert your instructor.

Turnitin also keeps logs of the previous database so that when the same database comes up, it flags it. Turnitin will still flag documents that a student is acquiring online or copying from a friend’s previous.


When submitting your paper, ensure that your paper is plagiarism-free. And also protect your identity and anonymity. Now that they are bringing down copied work.

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Answering the Standard MBA Question http://robotheartstories.com/answering-mba-question-in-application-essay.html http://robotheartstories.com/answering-mba-question-in-application-essay.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:32:07 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=52 As a student, be ready to face an MBA question in the application essays. The student must give clear reasons to the admission panel, explaining the significance of their enrollment in the Business Administration program. The reasons should revolve around accomplishing the career objectives of the student.

As a student, explain the points below when writing an MBA application essay:

  • The skills you don’t have that are crucial for enabling you to attain your career objectives and the significance of MBA/school towards achieving the skills.
  • The knowledge you don’t have is crucial towards achieving your goal and if MBA will help you get the required experience.
  • Any other academic skills you need to reach your goals and if MBA will help you get to the end.

Make your application stand out by explaining in detail what you require to reach your academic objectives. Do not make the reader end up guessing what you need to accomplish your goals. Let them know what skills and knowledge you lack from the word go.

An Example of a Good MBA Application Essay

I have a long-term objective of becoming the Vice President of the Information Security Group. I look forward to the mentioned position after getting the required experience and relevant tools to manage such a large-scale business by completing my MBA. I hope to begin as a product manager as I make my way up.

I envy the information security field because of its resilience. It is adaptable to technological changes, and it has a promise of continuous growth. Many entrepreneurs globally experience data security as their center of operation. As a result, a global-commercial network is possible. I love participating in the internet revolution and enable people who depend on the internet for their business goals to feel secured.

I look forward to enhancing technological advancement, improved motivation, and managerial skills to make all these possible.

My primary motivations in the business field are direct interaction with clients, providing satisfactory products and services, and strategic overview. Team management is a crucial requirement for my current position as a manager in the military and my desired position; the MBA as a product manager. As I use the experience I have gathered over the years to guide me, I plan to work more on other essential skills as I learn from the faculty and other students. I believe once I get such knowledge, I will reach my long-term desired goals without any obstacles.

I understand the fact that I will face other challenges in the future, such as interpersonal skills. I will have to conduct interviews, provide feedback whenever the need arises, reward employees, among other duties. Although I understand, I can read different materials to handle such matters; I require other excellent soft skills after undertaking classes like Leading Organization, Culture Change, or Organizational Culture. With such courses, I am sure to improve my overall experience and achieve my goals.

I will also interact with other departments like marketing and finance. I must understand all the operations of such departments to ease workflow.

One thing I know is that a good manager must have visions. The manager must foresee where the business will be after a couple of years and not just tomorrow. The position calls for a clear road-map that has several milestones on how to accomplish the business goals. Gaining knowledge from Global Strategy and Implementation will simplify my goals.

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Guide on Selecting a Brilliant Essay Topic http://robotheartstories.com/choosing-your-essay-topic.html http://robotheartstories.com/choosing-your-essay-topic.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:20:42 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=47 A lot of people whine too much when they have research to do. It is because when you are selecting a topic on your own is very difficult. The researchers should know that selecting a topic is an essential thing when it comes to writing. And this is the process that students ignore. Because once you select a fake topic, you will not be able to use your skills to the fullest of you will not fully analyze your topic. In other words, and a very good topic will determine the quality of your research.

If you plan to find the research topics on your own, then read this article and get some tips that may help when selecting a topic.

  1. Reason for writing.

At least all pieces of writing should have a reason for writing. These reasons depend on the goals and the major subject. Before you can even begin writing down anything on the essay, ask yourself why you are writing this essay. In general terms, essays are for four different reasons.

  • Explain
  • Inform
  • Entertain
  • Persuade

Ensure that when you are selecting a topic, it satisfies all these four purposes.

  1. Consistency with essay types.

To even select a very appropriate topic, one needs to put in mind the kind of essay one is going to write. There are those types of essays that allow you to be free, and then they are those types of essays that only allow you to follow a certain structure. Below are the kinds of essays that you should know.

  • Informative essay: these types of essays are for giving information about certain subjects. It happens in schools.
  • Explanatory essay: these types of essays are for explaining certain events or situations.
  • Persuasive essay: in this type of essay, you need to convince your audience that your opinion is more valid than others.
  • Compare and contrast: in this type of essay, one must make the differences and similarities between to subjects of discussion.
  1. Brainstorming.

It is just about looking for ideas on certain topics, and you also need to understand the questions you ask yourself and the keywords. One way in which one can brainstorm effectively is by generating mind maps. It is just a visual manifestation of your ideas and thoughts. Mind maps provide you with the assistance to create connections and focus on your mind’s ideas. There is only one rule here which is to jot down anything that comes to mind.

  1. Choose topics of your interest.

As soon as you have come up with ideas, look at your paper. Select a few interesting ones, then write a few notes on them. For you to engage with your audience, you need to have some enthusiasm. If you find out that the topic is boring, then research will be boring to your audience. 

  1. Analyze the potential topics.

Before you select a topic, ensure that your sources are reliable and have them(sources). It is hard to write about a shallow or narrow topic, and there is no information around it. Go through every topic and “don’t leave no stone unturned.” After going through the topics, find a topic that you can write sufficient information about it. If your topic is very big, break it down such that you find the information you need.

  1. Change topic if you must.

The topic that you think you can do is not working out, so the only option is to select another topic that if time allows and if you must. Do not be afraid of changing a topic, and it is perfectly ok. There are moments where you will start to write a few paragraphs, and then you dry up in the 2nd paragraph. It is fine. But do not get too obsessed with finding the right topic for your essay. You should work on your essay. 

Ensure that your essay is on point. It is better to have a good essay with a ‘bad’ topic than having a good topic with a ‘bad’ essay.


If selecting a topic gives you a hard time, do not best yourself. You can always try later after refreshing.

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Writing an Effective Explanatory Essay http://robotheartstories.com/writing-an-effective-explanatory-essay.html http://robotheartstories.com/writing-an-effective-explanatory-essay.html#respond Tue, 08 Sep 2020 12:25:43 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=43 Students either in high school or college encounter all sorts of essays. Among these essay pieces, entail the explanatory type that describes a personal opinion, another person’s ideas, a process, or a specific event. All an individual needs entail explaining a piece of information to ensure its easier for the audience to understand. But what constitutes the building blocks for an explanatory essay?

Building Blocks for an Explanatory Essay

  • Pick a subject you comprehend well

An explanatory piece of essay sounds complicated but proves basic when it comes to writing one. It can help if you can decide to explain anything provided it meets specific parameters of the essay assignment. As such, you can elect to narrate to the audience why everyone has to communicate in at least more than one language. You can also state the reason for governments to uphold religious holidays. Another subject can entail discussing a gluten-free diet and its significance to a big proportion of people.

  • You need to take care and not veer into other essay types terrain

It can help if avoided delving into writing a process or persuasive essay in as much as they both can technically qualify as explanations. Stick to your lane and utilize an explanatory style in writing your essay, which can demonstrate to your teacher that you have conceptualized the idea fully.

In presenting your evidence to support your subject, you need to aim at making a grounded argument and not for purposes of swaying the audience. Similarly, if it’s a description, try and make it a discussion rather than a stepwise process.

  • Collect evidence to back up your essay

The silver bullet for an effective explanatory essay entails solid reasons in support of the main idea of the essay piece. In specific instances, they may comprise opinions, though, with a strong argument, your essay can prove solid as well. 

It would help if you got information from solid and reliable sources, and thereafter, track the sources and list them in your essay paper accordingly.

  • Outline the essay 

You should not get strict with yourself when it comes to the outline as you won’t submit it and instead only use it as a guide for your essay. It can help if you considered using text boxes and lists when outlining your ideas. You can also use index cards and mind-mapping.

  • Write your essay’s body 

A standard essay piece should have five paragraphs containing the introduction, three paragraphs in the body text, and finally the conclusion. However, you can have more paragraphs depending on the essay requirements. Try and stick to a specific point for each paragraph. Further, clearly explain the points in the initial sentence of the paragraph.

  • Complete writing the essay by doing the introduction and conclusion

It’s crucial to finish your essay piece by writing the conclusion first before ending with the introductory section. Try and end the essay by tying all the ideas together and summarizing the whole piece. After finishing the conclusion segment, turn to your introduction and consider the whole explanatory essay to come up with a powerful and attractive way of introducing the whole essay. 


A student should understand what an explanatory piece of essay means besides knowing how to effectively write one. Pick a subject that interests and appeals to your passion and start writing using the discussed essay writing tips for an explanatory article.

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What is a 1000 Word Essay? http://robotheartstories.com/what-is-a-1000-word-essay.html http://robotheartstories.com/what-is-a-1000-word-essay.html#respond Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:40:43 +0000 http://robotheartstories.com/?p=19 It is a paper written based on your theme, in 1000 words, spread across four sheets, A4-sized. Get to assemble your thoughts and list what you know before taking off. The body should comprise your contemplations. Conclude the issue. Research the subject on different platforms. A 1000 word essay requires the author to either portray an object, feeling place, situation, or an individual. In this article, we are going to provide you with English essay help you have always needed. We will also provide rules to get followed. As a writer, to finish the task of writing such a text, you need to have a better subject, and you must also have an arrangement of the flow of the script. You should not make haste in writing this type of English essay. Prior planning and research are inevitable when it comes to texts. The two will help a milestone as you will get equipped to take on the subject.

Tips on writing a 1000 word essay

  • Don’t get worried about word limit, instead, collect as much information as you can
  • Dig for supportive evidence for your work so that you can justify your thesis statement
  • Browse for sample English essays of the same type as they will help
  • When done with the outline of your essay, revise it one more time
  • Make body sections around the most vital points
  • Avoid the use of vague sentences and heavy words
  • Revise before making a submission

The length of a 1000 word essay

You may sit and wonder how long a 1000 word essay is. It all depends on the document type you have. They vary for blogs, books, or magazine articles. For instance, for a magazine, it would be way shorter than a blog article. Some essays get written using MS Word, while others get written in one-note. When writing articles for a blog, you use a larger font and different sizes of both spacing and font s and the incorporated images too. A typical page of Ms. Word may contain roughly 250-1000 words depending on the margins, line spacing, and font type and size. In the sections below, we have shed light on some ways to measure or calculate how long your essay may be in Microsoft Office Word.

Paragraphs in a 1000 word essay

Never disregard the structure of a 1000 word paper. It is usually not short so, make no mistake of ignoring requirements. They are like other essays and must follow the following structure:


Make your introduction as perfect as you can to grab the mind of your readers. Use roughly 100-200 words. Provide a background of the topic and get familiar with the collected data and provide a postulation that is solid.


The section of the body should have at least 600-800 words spread across three paragraphs. Each paragraph should have between 200-300 words. Introduce the topic with the topic sentence at the paragraph’s beginning, make a presentation of your arguments, and give adequate truth. Have a conclusion in each paragraph’s end.


A better conclusion is usually about 100 words, but should never go beyond 200. You are required to rephrase the thesis statement and have a recap of the most vital points raised in the body section of your essay. Afterward, add your opinion and call it a wrap.

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